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- /* Screen.h */
- #ifndef Included_Screen_h
- #define Included_Screen_h
- /* Screen module depends on: */
- /* MiscInfo.h */
- /* Audit */
- /* Debug */
- /* Definitions */
- /* Memory */
- /* Menus */
- /* EventLoop */
- /* Scrap */
- /* Array */
- /* Files */
- /* pixel location specifier type */
- /* coordinate system: The global screen coordinates are left-right and top-bottom */
- /* with the origin in the upper-left corner of the primary screen. */
- typedef short OrdType;
- /* limits of the OrdType value */
- #define ORDTYPEMIN (-32767)
- #define ORDTYPEMAX (32767)
- /* window reference type */
- struct WinType;
- typedef struct WinType WinType;
- /* specifies what the window should look like; eDialogWindow has no title */
- typedef enum {eDocumentWindow EXECUTE(=-9999),eDialogWindow,eModelessDialogWindow}WinForm;
- /* specifies the supported patterns to use when drawing things */
- typedef enum {eWhite EXECUTE(=-91), eLightGrey, eMediumGrey, eDarkGrey, eBlack} Patterns;
- /* whether there will be a close box on the window */
- typedef enum {eWindowNotClosable EXECUTE(= -8888), eWindowClosable} WinCloseType;
- /* whether there will be a zoom box or maximize button on the window */
- typedef enum {eWindowNotZoomable EXECUTE(= -7777), eWindowZoomable} WinZoomType;
- /* whether to let the system resize a window or not */
- typedef enum {eWindowNotResizable EXECUTE(= -6666), eWindowResizable} WinSizingType;
- /* font characteristics; powers of 2 (for bit twiddling) */
- typedef enum {ePlain = 0, eBold = 1, eItalic = 2, eUnderline = 4} FontStyleType;
- /* font types */
- typedef int FontType;
- typedef int FontSizeType;
- /* bitmap type */
- struct Bitmap;
- typedef struct Bitmap Bitmap;
- /* Initialize the screen management subsystem. This routine must be called before */
- /* any graphics routines are called. this routine initializes the entire Level 0 */
- /* module set except for some optional modules (like Network). if it returns */
- /* False then initialization failed and the program must terminate immediately. */
- MyBoolean InitializeScreen(void);
- /* close all open windows and perform any cleanup or server disconnection before */
- /* the program terminates */
- void ShutdownScreen(void);
- /* get size of screen. If there are multiple screens, the result is implementation */
- /* defined, but should not be counted on. On the Macintosh, this returns only the */
- /* size of the main screen. Caveats aside, you are guarranteed that there is at */
- /* least this much screen space in the form of a complete rectangle. */
- OrdType GetScreenHeight(void);
- OrdType GetScreenWidth(void);
- /* how big is a window's title bar */
- OrdType WindowTitleBarHeight(WinForm WindowKind);
- /* how big are the other edges of a window */
- OrdType WindowOtherEdgeWidths(WinForm WindowKind);
- /* create a new window. if WindowKind = eDocumentWindow, then the window is a */
- /* standard window with a name (image is implementation defined). In this case */
- /* Zoomable determines whether there will be a "Maximize" button, and Closable */
- /* determines whether there will be a "Close" button. */
- /* The window returned will be considered in the "disabled" state and any */
- /* objects installed in it should be disabled. Eventually GetAnEvent will return */
- /* an active window change event disabling the window previously on top and */
- /* enabling this window. if there are dialog boxes, then the window will be */
- /* created under the lowest dialog box */
- WinType* MakeNewWindow(WinForm WindowKind, WinCloseType Closable,
- WinZoomType Zoomable, WinSizingType Resizing, OrdType Left,
- OrdType Top, OrdType Width, OrdType Height,
- void (*UpdateRoutine)(void* Refcon), void* Refcon);
- /* change the size of the window. The window will be guarranteed to be the specified */
- /* size, but significant portions may not be on screen, so be careful */
- void ResizeWindow(WinType* Window, OrdType Width, OrdType Height);
- /* close a window and release all associated space. The window refnum may be reused */
- /* An active window change event will be issued activating the window that is */
- /* next in the stack. If there are dialog boxes open, then the most recently */
- /* created one must be disposed or it is an error. */
- void KillWindow(WinType* Window);
- /* get the size of the usable portion of the window */
- OrdType GetWindowHeight(WinType* Window);
- OrdType GetWindowWidth(WinType* Window);
- /* Get the global coordinate location of the window */
- OrdType GetWindowXStart(WinType* Window);
- OrdType GetWindowYStart(WinType* Window);
- /* Adjust the global position of the window. */
- void SetWindowPosition(WinType* Window, OrdType NewXLocation,
- OrdType NewYLocation);
- /* Get what type of window it is */
- WinForm GetWindowKind(WinType* Window);
- /* allow system to resize window after user clicked in some area */
- void UserGrowWindow(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y);
- /* bring window to the top of the window stack. this will be silently ignored */
- /* if there are dialog boxes open. */
- void ActivateThisWindow(WinType* Window);
- /* this routine helps make sure the rectangle fits on the screen. If the rectangle */
- /* already fits on the screen, X and Y will not be adjusted, but if it doesn't, some */
- /* undefined adjustment will be made to ensure that the rectangle fits on the screen. */
- /* If the rectangle is so large that it can't be made to fit on the screen, then */
- /* the size of the window is reduced so that the window will fit on screen. */
- void MakeWindowFitOnScreen(OrdType* X, OrdType* Y,
- OrdType* Width, OrdType* Height);
- /* obtain the edge of a window, conforming to the user interface */
- /* guidelines of the implementation's platform */
- OrdType AlertLeftEdge(OrdType AlertWidth);
- OrdType AlertTopEdge(OrdType AlertHeight);
- OrdType DialogLeftEdge(OrdType DialogWidth);
- OrdType DialogTopEdge(OrdType DialogHeight);
- /* change window's name. name should be a null-terminated string. the only windows */
- /* guarranteed to have a title bar are eDocumentWindow's. */
- void SetWindowName(WinType* Window, char* Name);
- /* invoke a window's update routine. normal updates redraw only the part of the */
- /* window that needs to be updated. deferred updates always redraw the entire */
- /* window. they are intended to be used for redrawing a window when it isn't safe */
- /* to actually perform the drawing, but they can be used to force a full redraw as */
- /* soon as possible. */
- void CallWindowUpdate(WinType* Window);
- void MarkForDeferredUpdate(WinType* Window);
- void PerformDeferredUpdates(void);
- /* get the refcon from the window */
- void* GetWindowRefcon(WinType* Window);
- /* set the clipping rectangle for the window. Drawing outside of this rectangle */
- /* will not be change any of the window */
- void SetClipRect(WinType* Window, OrdType Left, OrdType Top,
- OrdType Width, OrdType Height);
- /* constrain the clipping rectangle for the window. The new clipping rectangle is */
- /* the intersection of the specified one and the previous one. */
- void AddClipRect(WinType* Window, OrdType Left, OrdType Top,
- OrdType Width, OrdType Height);
- /* returns True if any part of the specified rectangle in the window is visible. */
- /* this is used for making redrawing more efficient. */
- MyBoolean IsRectVisible(WinType* Window, OrdType Left, OrdType Top,
- OrdType Width, OrdType Height);
- /* Draw a line one pixel thick. XDisp and YDisp may be negative. */
- void DrawLine(WinType* Window, Patterns Pattern,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y, OrdType XDisp, OrdType YDisp);
- /* Draw a box with a 1 pixel thick frame. Note that the last pixel touched */
- /* is X + XDisp - 1 and Y + YDisp - 1. */
- void DrawBoxFrame(WinType* Window, Patterns Pattern,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y, OrdType XDisp, OrdType YDisp);
- /* paint the box with the specified pattern */
- void DrawBoxPaint(WinType* Window, Patterns Pattern,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y, OrdType XDisp, OrdType YDisp);
- /* paint the box with white */
- void DrawBoxErase(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- OrdType XDisp, OrdType YDisp);
- /* And-mask the contents of the box with the pattern */
- void DrawBoxScreen(WinType* Window, Patterns Pattern,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y, OrdType XDisp, OrdType YDisp);
- /* Draw a box, but round off the corners with circles. */
- void DrawRoundBoxFrame(WinType* Window, Patterns Pattern,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y, OrdType XDisp, OrdType YDisp,
- OrdType DiameterX, OrdType DiameterY);
- void DrawRoundBoxPaint(WinType* Window, Patterns Pattern,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y, OrdType XDisp, OrdType YDisp,
- OrdType DiameterX, OrdType DiameterY);
- void DrawRoundBoxErase(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- OrdType XDisp, OrdType YDisp, OrdType DiameterX, OrdType DiameterY);
- /* circles */
- void DrawCircleFrame(WinType* Window, Patterns Pattern,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y, OrdType XDisp, OrdType YDisp);
- void DrawCirclePaint(WinType* Window, Patterns Pattern,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y, OrdType XDisp, OrdType YDisp);
- void DrawCircleErase(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- OrdType XDisp, OrdType YDisp);
- /* fill a triangle */
- void DrawTrianglePaint(WinType* Window, Patterns Pattern, OrdType X1,
- OrdType Y1, OrdType X2, OrdType Y2, OrdType X3, OrdType Y3);
- /* Get the ID of a heavier screen font (Macintosh == Chicago) */
- FontType GetUglyFont(void);
- /* Get the ID of the default screen font (Macintosh == Geneva) */
- FontType GetScreenFont(void);
- /* Get the ID of the normal monospaced font, usually courier or monaco */
- FontType GetMonospacedFont(void);
- /* Get the ID of the named font. If no such font exists, then it is an error */
- FontType GetFontByName(char* Name);
- /* Get the total number of pixels high a line is using the specified font */
- OrdType GetFontHeight(FontType FontID, FontSizeType PointSize);
- /* return a heap pointer containing the name of the font, null terminated */
- /* the heap pointer can be released with ReleasePtr. */
- char* GetNameOfFont(FontType FontID);
- /* get number of fonts */
- long GetNumAvailableFonts(void);
- /* get the FontType of an indexed font. indices are from 0 to GetNumAvailableFonts - 1 */
- FontType GetIndexedFont(long FontIndex);
- /* find the total number of pixels long the string of text is */
- OrdType LengthOfText(FontType Font, FontSizeType PointSize, char* Text,
- long Length, FontStyleType FontStyle);
- /* draw a line of text */
- void DrawTextLine(WinType* Window, FontType Font, FontSizeType PointSize,
- char* Text, long Length, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- FontStyleType FontStyle);
- /* draw a line of text, but with white background and black letters */
- void InvertedTextLine(WinType* Window, FontType Font,
- FontSizeType PointSize, char* Text, long Length,
- OrdType X, OrdType Y, FontStyleType FontStyle);
- /* move the specified rectangle of of pixels. XDisplacement and YDisplacement */
- /* positive mean to the right and down. Area opened up is erased with white. */
- /* no area outside of the rectangle is touched. */
- void ScrollArea(WinType* Window, OrdType Left, OrdType Top, OrdType Width,
- OrdType Height, OrdType XDisplacement, OrdType YDisplacement);
- /* convert a raw packed-byte list of data (upper bit of each byte is leftmost */
- /* on the screen) to an internal bitmap */
- Bitmap* MakeBitmap(unsigned char* RawData, OrdType Width, OrdType Height,
- long BytesPerRow);
- /* dispose of the bitmap made by MakeBitmap */
- void DisposeBitmap(Bitmap* TheBitmap);
- /* copy the bitmap to the area specified. */
- void DrawBitmap(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y, Bitmap* TheBitmap);
- /* logical-or the bitmap onto the window */
- void OrBitmap(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y, Bitmap* TheBitmap);
- /* Bit-clear the bitmap onto the window: Where the bitmap is set, the */
- /* window will be erased; otherwise the window will be untouched */
- void BicBitmap(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y, Bitmap* TheBitmap);
- /* duplicate the bitmap */
- Bitmap* DuplicateBitmap(Bitmap* Original);
- /* logical-or the first bitmap onto the second. sizes must be the same */
- void BitmapOrIntoBitmap(Bitmap* NotChanged, Bitmap* IsChanged);
- /* logical-and the first bitmap onto the second. sizes must be the same */
- void BitmapAndIntoBitmap(Bitmap* NotChanged, Bitmap* IsChanged);
- #endif